1 min read


“Mr. Carnegie,” Taylor said, “I would advise you to make a list of the ten most important things you can do. And then, start doing number one.”

I start my day with a list.

It is a simple process. I sit at my desk, open Obsidian, and write down a list of everything I need to do. When I've run out of ideas, I check yesterday's list to make sure I didn't forget anything. Then, I prioritize and get started on the first item.

At the end of the day, I check off anything that was completed and draft a new list for the following day so I can clear my mind before going to bed.

This simple process is shockingly effective. In fact, it seems so mundane that I hesitated to write about it. But the payoff is so large that it's worth sounding pedantic.

Try it; you might be surprised to find how well it works.